[CQM-1758] CMS159v4 and CMS160v4: snomed code dead not in value set Created: 11/04/15  Updated: 12/14/17  Resolved: 03/10/16

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians Priority: Minor
Reporter: Elissa Chandler (Inactive) Assignee: Lindsey Wisham
Resolution: Answered Votes: 0
Labels: None

Attachments: PDF File EHandEPTRNs.pdf    
Issue Links:
relates to CQM-1965 In measure definition for EP of ONC 2... Closed
Contact Name: Elissa Chandler
Contact Email: echandler@nextgen.com
Contact Phone: 267-725-5354
Institution/Name: NextGen Healthcare
Solution: In answer to your question regarding the SNOMED code 419099009, yes, measure developers should use this code for the QDM element Patient Characteristic Expired.
Patient Characteristic Expired was fixed to SNOMED-CT® code 419099009 (Dead) with the release of Quality Data Model version 4.1.

Similarly, Patient Characteristic Birthdate was fixed to LOINC code 21112-8 (Birth date).

Because both the "expired" and "birthdate" codes are locked into the MAT, they do not appear in value sets imported into the MAT, but the code does appear in the xml.

If the failure of these codes to appear in the VSAC is problematic, we encourage you to reopen, create a new ticket or comment on this one.
2016 Performance Period EP eCQMs :
CMS159v4/NQF0710, CMS160v4/NQF0712
Impact: High impacts measures development


QUESTION: CMS159v4 and CMS160v4: dead:

According to the attached Technical Release Notes pg 125 for CMS 159v4 and CMS 160v4 it says:

"The new QDM element 'Patient Characteristic Expired' represents SNOMED code 419099009 (Dead). It replaces the previously used QDM 'Patient Characteristic Expired: Deceased' using 'Deceased Grouping Value Set (2.16.840.1.113883.".

However, the new SNOMED code 419099009 (Dead) is not included in the 2016 CQM Value Set spreadsheet for these 2 measures. And further the old SNOMED codes for deceased have been removed from the value set.

Should our measures developers use the SNOMED code 419099009 (Dead) included in the technical release notes for CMS159v4 and CMS160v4?

Please advise.

Thank you.

Comment by Julia Skapik (Inactive) [ 12/09/15 ]

Dear MAT Team,

Please comment on whether this code is being captured in the MAT output that is used to generate the VSAC output. If it (and the birthdate code) need to be somehow added to the measure value set exports for these measures, please reassign to Julia Skapik. If not, please close the issue

Thank you,
Julia Skapik, ONC

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 11/10/15 ]

Thank you for the response. OK to close this issue.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 11/04/15 ]

Thank you for your help - could you please provide an ETA on resolution. thanks again.

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