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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-985

Ensuring Data Uniqueness - "Other Encounter"


    • Icon: Question/Guidance Question/Guidance
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • QRDA-I Standard
    • None

      We'd like to request clarification of how to identify unique "Other Encounters."

      The CMS QRDA HQR 2021Implementation GuideVersion 1.1 (https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/QRDA-HQR-2021-CMS-IG-508.pdf) section 11 - "Ensuring Data Uniqueness" states


      Other Encounter (Encounter containing codes other than inpatient code)

      Precondition: same QRDA template

      • Encounter id element (encounter/id)—combination of @root and @extension (if @extension is present)
      • Encounter code (encounter/code)


      I think the encounter/id is clear, but our question is specifically on the second item - "Encounter code (encounter/code)". We'd like to request clarification of this and, if possible, an example of duplication that would need to be resolved.


      Is this implying that we would have a single encounter template with multiple duplicate coded values that would need to be de-duplicated? EX: a single encounter template on 1/1/2021 has two duplicate "wellness visit" codes? Or would this imply that we would need to de-duplicate encounters across multiple templates by using code (and other data elements such as dates of service, etc.) to identify and collapse?


      Any clarification would be very much appreciated



            yanheras Yan Heras
            ewhitleyHC Eric Whitley (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
