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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-946

Where to get the root id from in Supplemental Data Elements


    • PEMR
    • Rana Fahad Arshad
    • 4074019889 x 410


      We are working on the 2020 CMS QRDA III implementation for the 2020 MIPS Data Submission. We have an issue regarding a "root id" in the Supplemental Data Elements of Measure Reference & Results section.

      A screenshot is attached for reference.

      We have set the Version Specific Measure IDs and Population IDs as per 2020 IG but we are unable to find any reference or source for the "root id" under Supplemental Data Elements shown in the 2020 QRDA III sample file. This "root id" is different under each Supplemental Data Element of each population criteria of each measure. There is a certain pattern that it follows but we are not sure if we can get it from somewhere or we need to implement it by ourselves in some way?

      Kindly look into this and address it at your earliest convenience. We will highly appreciate it.


      Thank you!

            yanheras Yan Heras
            rfahad Rana Fahad Arshad (Inactive)
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