The Change Log – CMS QRDA III Implementation Guide Changes to QRDA III STU R2.1 Base Standard in '2020-CMS-QRDA-III-Eligible-Clinicians-and-EP-IG-07182019-508.pdf' has wrong extension id for QRDA Category III Measure Section - CMS (V3) - pg 56.
It has 2018-05-01 and it should be 2019-05-01.
Please see the screenshot.
There are others have the incorrect extension in that log table needs correction.
Example: templateId '2.16.840.1.113883.' has different extension throughout the document.
a. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] @root="2.16.840.1.113883." (CONF:CMS_42). b. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] @extension="2018-05-01" (CONF:CMS_43).
observation[templateId/@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] [templateId/@extension=”+2019-05-01+”]
SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] @root="2.16.840.1.113883.10.20.27. 3.16" (CONF:CMS_42).
SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] @extension="2016-11-01" (CONF:CMS_43).