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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-73

Required codes are not in the Allergy/Adverse Event Type value set


    • Icon: QRDA-I Standard QRDA-I Standard
    • Resolution: Delivered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
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      This issue is tracked on HL7 QRDA-I DSTU page, see item #172. http://www.hl7.org/dstucomments/showdetail_comment.cfm?commentid=172
      The disposition of this comment is "Closed, Accepted" with disposition comment of "This is also a C-CDA errata", which means that this is an accepted errata. This will be tracked through the HL7 process for QRDA I to provide correction for this errata.
      This issue is tracked on HL7 QRDA-I DSTU page, see item #172. http://www.hl7.org/dstucomments/showdetail_comment.cfm?commentid=172 The disposition of this comment is "Closed, Accepted" with disposition comment of "This is also a C-CDA errata", which means that this is an accepted errata. This will be tracked through the HL7 process for QRDA I to provide correction for this errata.

      Description: The following QRDA Category I templates each have statements that require a value element that contains a code attribute that must be from the Allergy/Adverse Event Type value set (2.16.840.1.113883.

      • Act Intolerance or Adverse Event Observation
      • Substance or Device Allergy - Intolerance Observation
      • Allergy - Intolerance Observation

      Many datatype templates inherit from these three templates and define specific code attribute values. But for most of the derived templates, the specified code is not in the required value set.

      The following table shows the affected templates, conformance numbers, and required codes:

      template requirement code
      Diagnostic Study Adverse Event CONF:16408 281647001
      Diagnostic Study Intolerance CONF:16411 102460003
      Intervention Adverse Event CONF:16413 281647001
      Intervention Intolerance CONF:16415 102460003
      Laboratory Test Adverse Event CONF:16417 281647001
      Laboratory Test Intolerance CONF:16418 102460003
      Procedure Adverse Event CONF:16420 281647001
      Procedure Intolerance CONF:16421 102460003
      Device Adverse Event CONF:12189 281647001
      Device Allergy CONF:12188 106190000
      Device Intolerance CONF:12342 102460003
      Medication Adverse Effect CONF:14135 62014003

      HL7 QRDA DSTU Comment #172 notes that Table 297 includes these codes but that the codes are not in the value set according to PHIN VADS or NLM VSAC. The issue is "Closed, Accepted" but the intended change is unclear. Is the value set in error, such that the codes should be added to it? Or are the requirements in error, such that they should specify different codes?

      This issue adversely affects QRDA Category I validation due to the associated Schematron tests: When checking certain templates, Cypress 2.2.0 reports an error because the code is not in the value set, yet other Schematron tests require the specific code.

            yanheras Yan Heras
            jon.salmon Jon Salmon (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
