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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-641

CMS_0063 error while submission


    • Icon: QRDA-I Standard QRDA-I Standard
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • None
    • Unable to submit QRDA 1 for CY2017 reporting
    • Mohammad Imran
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      Response provided by HQR regarding this issue:
      "In general, their files are being successfully submitted, but as stated are falling into the incorrect reporting quarter. Since it’s unlikely the majority of their files are hitting this border issue, we’re giving guidance to confirm their facilities’ eCQM submission status using the eCQM Submission Status Report through QNet. We’re emphasizing their utilization of that report to address their potential concerns about ‘under reporting’.
      Response provided by HQR regarding this issue: "In general, their files are being successfully submitted, but as stated are falling into the incorrect reporting quarter. Since it’s unlikely the majority of their files are hitting this border issue, we’re giving guidance to confirm their facilities’ eCQM submission status using the eCQM Submission Status Report through QNet. We’re emphasizing their utilization of that report to address their potential concerns about ‘under reporting’.

      For one of the patients while submission of QRDA 1 file for EH 2017 reporting period we are encountering CMS_0063 error. Here the patient's reporting period end date is "20170930" and this QRDA 1 file has only one encounter with the endDateTime "20170930211600-0700" . We tried to validate it by changing the endDateTime to "20170930000000-0700" and after this change it is not giving validation error.
      Question : Do we need to consider the patient with the endDateTime greater than "20170930000000" and less than "20170930235959" for the reporting period endDateTime "20170930" . Kindly provide your valuable inputs to solve this issue.
      Please find the XML attachment of the QRDA 1 file for your reference. Thanks in advance.

            yanheras Yan Heras
            imrans88 Mohammad Imran Silver Haroon (Inactive)
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            3 Start watching this issue
