the latest QRDA III guide published for EP/EC for 2017 IG v1.0 states thefollowing-
_All measures must be reported at the CPC+ practice site level. Practice site level reporting includes all patients (includes all payers and uninsured) who were seen at least once at the practice site location during the Performance Period (i.e., calendar year) by CPC+ clinicians (TIN/NPI) and who met the inclusion criteria for the Initial Population (IP)/Denominator. Each CPC+ practice site submitting QRDA-III files for the 2017 Performance Period must provide at least the minimum number3 of measures required by the CPC+ program. _
so as above stated, every clinician located must have at least 1 patient in IP or Denominator for each of the CPC + eCQM the group is submitting. Please confirm.
Also if any of the clinician in the CPC+ group (same practice site location) have few additional or different eCQMs that he wants to submit for which there is an encounter qualifying for IP/den, should that be also included in QRDA III for the CPCPLUS program for the CPC practice selected. Please confirm.
Thanks & Regards,
Dr. Pooja