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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-153

The Schema validation tool flags an error incorrectly.


    • This issue is causing uncertainty regarding whether we should be coding for the Schema validation tool, Schematron, or QualityNet.
    • Meditech
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      The file has two errors, to fix them: 1) for the organizer template, move the “id” element from before the “templateId” to after the two “templateId” snippets; 2) for the observation template, move the “effectiveTime” from before the “templateId” to right after the “statusCode”.
      The file has two errors, to fix them: 1) for the organizer template, move the “id” element from before the “templateId” to after the two “templateId” snippets; 2) for the observation template, move the “effectiveTime” from before the “templateId” to right after the “statusCode”.

      Schema validation tool returns an error if Observation has an effectiveTime, but Schematron and the 2014 Cat I Errata document (CommentID 361) require that it has an effectiveTime.

      Schema error: The element 'observation' has invalid child element 'effectiveTime'.

      QRDA-39 may be a related ticket.

        1. QRDA_Cat1_Bobbie_Newton.xml
          23 kB
          Matthew Brown

            yanheras Yan Heras
            mattcbrown Matthew Brown (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
