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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-152

The Schema validation tool flags an error incorrectly.


    • This issue is causing uncertainty regarding whether we should be coding for the Schema validation tool, Schematron, or QualityNet.
    • Meditech
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      Your attached QRDA-I file has errors that need to be fixed. It is not that the CDA_SDTC.xsd schema does not allow informationRecipient, you received the error because the “infomationRecipient” element in your sample file is at wrong location; it should be located after “custodian”. You could review the structure of the schema and see the order of the data elements as defined by the schema. Your attached QRDA-I file appears to have couple other errors that also need to be fixed after you fix the informationReceipent error. The file has to pass the CDA_SDTC.xsd schema validation.
      Your attached QRDA-I file has errors that need to be fixed. It is not that the CDA_SDTC.xsd schema does not allow informationRecipient, you received the error because the “infomationRecipient” element in your sample file is at wrong location; it should be located after “custodian”. You could review the structure of the schema and see the order of the data elements as defined by the schema. Your attached QRDA-I file appears to have couple other errors that also need to be fixed after you fix the informationReceipent error. The file has to pass the CDA_SDTC.xsd schema validation.

      Schema validation tool returns an error if ClinicalDocument has an informationRecipient, but QualityNet and the 2015 Supplementary IG (5.1.5) require that it has an informationRecipient.

      Schema error: The element 'ClinicalDocument' has invalid child element 'informationRecipient'.

        1. QRDA_Cat1_Bobbie_Newton.xml
          23 kB
          Matthew Brown

            yanheras Yan Heras
            mattcbrown Matthew Brown (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
