Resolution: Resolved
I am looking for clarification on the intended value of the classCode of externalObservation.
In the CMS IG (CMS Implementation Guide for QRDAIII, Implementation Guide for 2023 Version 1.1 12/20/2022) externalObservation is used in Performance Rate for Proportion Measure – CMS (V4) (templateId: 2.16.840.1.113883. There, it states the classCode must be an ActClass:
When the classCode of exteneralObservation is referenced in the HL7 IG (HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: QRDAIII, Release 1 Sept 2021) it is also an ActClass.
However, in the supporting files, in the xsd schema POCD_MT000040_SDTC.xsd, it states the classCode must be an ActClassObservation.
I believe ActClassObservation is intended, but I don't want to assume.
Furthermore, is the classCode always OBS? If not, then in what situations will it not be OBS?