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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-1144

EHR transition date in December and not sure how to report


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      We want to make sure that we plan an appropriate amount of time for the path that we need to take for reporting our 2023 data.
      If we have to report a full year and import data from the legacy over to the target, we will have a very tight timeframe for troubleshooting.
      We want to make sure that we plan an appropriate amount of time for the path that we need to take for reporting our 2023 data. If we have to report a full year and import data from the legacy over to the target, we will have a very tight timeframe for troubleshooting.
    • Pat Bracknell
    • 6783587385

      We are transitioning a facility to a new EHR in the November / December timeframe. What are our options for reporting to programs that require a full year of data?

      Can we request an exception or do we have to migrate the reporting data from the legacy system over to the target system and report electronically?

      Are there any options to manually report?


            yanheras Yan Heras
            pbrackn Pat Bracknell (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
