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  1. QRDA Issue Tracker
  2. QRDA-107

Medication Order section needs (SHALL Condition) for Medication Information but conformance is incorrect in Implementation Guide


    • Development and Certification
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      Please make sure download a copy of the December 21, 2012 Errata Update to the HL7 QRDA Category I, Release 2 standard from the HL7 site. You should use the QRDATemplateLibrary_2012_12_21. docx file that is contained in this errata package for conformance statements of templates. As some might have been updated due to errata fixes.

      For example, you will see this conformance statement in the Medication Order template.
      a. This consumable SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] Medication Information (templateId:2.16.840.1.113883. (CONF:12611).
      Please make sure download a copy of the December 21, 2012 Errata Update to the HL7 QRDA Category I, Release 2 standard from the HL7 site. You should use the QRDATemplateLibrary_2012_12_21. docx file that is contained in this errata package for conformance statements of templates. As some might have been updated due to errata fixes. For example, you will see this conformance statement in the Medication Order template. a. This consumable SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] Medication Information (templateId:2.16.840.1.113883. (CONF:12611).

      We are referring to the QRDA-1 Implementation Guide (CDAR2_QRDA_DSTU_R2_2012JUL) and are facing an issue with the Medication Order section, the conformance (Page: 353) reads that the Medication Order section (TemplateID 2.16.840.1.113883. SHALL contain exactly (1..1) consumable with CONF:12610, but the next conformance has CONF:7521 which asks for a Medication Information TemplateID (2.16.840.1.113883.
      When a valid QRDA-1 document is validated with a consumable node and the Medication Information templateID, the SITE validator fails stating the CONF: is needed.
      for the same template ID the Medication Order reads a CONF:7521 and the validator looks for CONF:12611
      Attached is the screen shot of the error on the SITE validator.

      would request your immediate attention on the issue as this is impacting our development and certification.

      Prasad Akella.

            yanheras Yan Heras
            Prasadasvn Prasad Akella (Inactive)
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