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  1. QDM Issue Tracker
  2. QDM-234

Discharge to home with hospice care


    • Encounter, Performed

      The Blueprint for the CMS Measures Management System (version 14.0) includes a table of QDM categories with ONC HITSC recommended vocabularies.  For the Encounter, Performed datatype with discharge disposition attribute, SNOMED CT codes from the environment hierarchy are recommended. We are evaluating discharge disposition value sets at this time.  There is no SNOMED environment code to represent home with hospice.  However, there is a home hospice service “qualifier” code.  Looking for feedback on the following:


      1. Is it feasible to use the “home” SNOMED environment code with the “qualifier” code to indicate home hospice service?
      2. Seeking input from implementers as to how discharge to home with hospice is being captured in the electronic health record.

            eCQM Standards Team eCQM Standards Team
            mparenzan@jointcommission.org Marilyn Parenzan
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            7 Start watching this issue
