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  1. QDM Issue Tracker
  2. QDM-170

Add Author Datetime to Allergy/Intolerance and Adverse Event datatypes in QDM 5.02


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • QDM 5.3
    • None
    • None
    • May impact feasibility for measure implementation

      Adverse Event and Allergy/Intolerance datatypes have timing attributes expressed only as intervals: Relevant Period (Adverse Event) and Prevalence Period (Allergy/Intolerance). While addressing some eCQM expressions with CQL, ESAC noted that such interval beginning and end times may not be clearly available in EHRs. ESAC therefore requested feedback as to whether Author Datetime should be added to both QDM datatypes to allow measure developers latitude in expressing measures based on feasibility evaluation. I.e., should a measure developer be able to include Author Datetime if it is all that is available? That would require adding the Author Datetime attribute to these datatypes.

            FEisenberg Floyd Eisenberg
            FEisenberg Floyd Eisenberg
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