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  1. Comments on eCQMs under development
  2. PCQM-85

Feedback on draft DXA measure data elements and supplemental value sets


    • Icon: Value Sets Value Sets
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • ValueSet
    • None

      Appropriate Use of Dual-energy X-ray Absorptionmetry (DXA) Scans in Women under 65 Not Meeting Risk Factor Profile
      DXA Data Elements Table:
      Our EHR captures most of the elements using the identified code sets (SNOMED, LOINC, ICD-10). Some elements may not be captured consistently, if at all, and may be less accurate and reliable, for example: Average Number of Drinks per Drinking Day; History of Fracture in Parent; Ten Year Probability of Fracture. Some of the codes expected to be used are ICD-9 (not ICD-10). ICD-9 codes may be problematic, requiring cross-mapping (e.g., through the use of an addition tool, such as the publicly available Convergent Medical Terminology (“CMT”) tool from the NLM).

      Supplemental Value Set Table:
      Most of these data elements are generally captured in the EHR or supplemental systems with reasonable degree of validity and reliability. However, the Source of Payment Typology code set (identifies the Type of Payer) is not a code set we typically use within our integrated system.

            jrubini Juliet Rubini
            lpotter39 Lori Potter (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
