
    • Clement J. McDonald
    • 301-496-4441
    • DXA Scans

      Nice rule. But would like to clarify the way you get the data.

      One variable is specified as current smoker. It appears that this may be disconnected from the Smoking history. I believe that the current question about smoking status in MU2 can take the following answers:
      Following are the codes provided in core objective of smoking status usage measure objective:
      (1) Current every day smoker. 449868002
      (2) Current some day smoker. 428041000124106
      (3) Former smoker. 8517006
      (4) Never smoker. 266919005
      (5) Smoker, current status unknown. 77176002
      (6) Unknown if ever smoked. 266927001
      (7) Heavy tobacco smoker. 428071000124103
      (8) Light tobacco smoker. 428061000124105 o

      Are you asking yet another question to get current smoker? Hope it is being derived from the answer to the above. If so how do you derive current smoker from that list?
      Would like to verify that the variable collected for drinks per day is LOINC
      11287-0 Alcoholic drinks per drinking day - Reported

      74013-4 Alcoholic drinks per day

      The history of fracture in parent is not what the FRACX asks. It asks about a history of hip fracture . Was that softening deliberate? And where would this data be likely to be obtained. Again I would strongly suggest that you some of these in the reason for test. Rather than require some additional coding elsewhere. No one will be likely to list history of fracture in parent as diagnoses or problem

      Would also like to confirm that BMI will be captured as LOINC
      39156-5 Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio]

            jrubini Juliet Rubini
            clemmcdonald Clement J. McDonald (Inactive)
            Clement J. McDonald (Inactive), Rob McClure
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            1 Start watching this issue
