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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-699

CMS124v9- Numerator condition with HPV Test 5 years or less not qualifying in Bonnie.


    • BONNIE
    • Shreya Khillare
    • Cervical Cancer Screening version 9
    • CMS124v9
    • Measure
    • Patient is not qualifying numerator criteria.

      Patient Name - First Name :-Angel_P8_NUM_HPVTest
      Last Name :- Jolie_CMS124v9

      We are considering measurement period as 2020.

      Patient is supposed to meet the numerator criteria but Bonnie is not passing the numerator criteria.

      Rule expects :- Numerator Criteria:
      define "HPV Test Within 5 Years for Women Age 30 and Older":
      ["Laboratory Test, Performed": "HPV Test"] HPVTest
      with ["Patient Characteristic Birthdate": "Birth date"] BirthDate
      such that Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt" ( BirthDate.birthDatetime, HPVTest.relevantDatetime ) >= 30
      where* HPVTest.relevantDatetime 5 years or less on or before
      end of "Measurement Period"
      and HPVTest.result is not null

      The highlighted color shows HPV test can be 5 or less on or before end of measurement period but Bonnie doesn't qualifies the criteria when the year is 5 years or less.

      Patient has got following clinical information:

      Encounter start date - May 20 2020
      Encounter end date - May 22 2020

      Laboratory Test Performed : HPV Test : Relevant Date Time : Dec 31 2019 8.00AM

      Expected Result:
      Bonnie Testing Tool 4.1.1 should pass numerator criteria.

      Actual Result:
      Bonnie Testing Tool version 4.1.1 is not qualifying.

        1. 2020-10-16_11h53_58.png
          28 kB
          Shreya Khillare
        2. 2020-10-16_11h54_10.png
          12 kB
          Shreya Khillare
        3. 8_Jolie_CMS124v9_Angel_P8_NUM_HPVTest.xml
          15 kB
          Shreya Khillare

            nalbritton Noel Albritton
            Shreya Khillare Shreya Khillare (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
