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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-666

Error Calculating Measure


    • BONNIE
    • TEST Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
    • 991
    • All
    • We cannot validate the changes to the logic to ensure it meets measure intent in Bonnie.

      Hello, we are receiving the following error when we attempt to work on a recently updated measure from the MAT. We have reviewed the measure in the MAT internally, and have not discovered any glaring issues with the logic. Additionally, MAT is not showing any errors with the logic either. 

        1. 2020.06.02 Bonnie Error Message for Opioid Measure. .docx
          145 kB
          Marc Hallez

            nalbritton Noel Albritton
            mhallez Marc Hallez (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
