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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-617

One DENOM failure and 9 NUMER failures for 12/20/2019 MAT previously passing


    • BONNIE
    • Bone density evaluation for patients with prostate cancer and receiving androgen deprivation therapy
    • CMS645
    • All NUMERpass cases (9) and DENOMpass,OffVisitinMP
    • Undergoing Round 1 Measure Review with Mathematica, ESAC, MITRE and Telligen. This prohibits us from moving forward.

      There are NUMERATOR failures and also 99% coverage with the 1% not covered being the relevantDatetime on the “Bone Density Scan Ordered or Performed”.  Knowing the updates to BONNIE, I went back to the 1/8/2020 package  (version 3.2.001) and had similar errors, including relevantDatetime not passing in the MAT.  Telligen said it should be relevantDatetime and at first neither attribute worked.  I worked with the MAT passing, but still have BONNIE not passing any NUMERATORS and do not have relevantDatetime for this definition passing in BONNIE.  I reloaded the 12/20/19 MAT passing packing into BONNIE and found one DENOM failure. I don't know if BONNIE is computing the 3 month period correctly. Changing the attribute for the data type Diagnostic Study performed to authorDatetime did not correct the missing coverage. I am attaching the BONNIE excel output showing the DENOM failure and also a word document showing the failing NUMERpass listings and the CQL output for Bone Density Scan Ordered or Performed.

            nicole_hunter Nicole Hunter
            colleenparker Colleen Parker (Inactive)
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            2 Start watching this issue
