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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-614

Bonnie only processing one of two measure observations


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Measure View
    • None
    • BONNIE
    • Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia
    • We are unable to complete mandatory AU testing of the measure without this functionality. 

      The measure has two measure observations, one associated with the Denominator and one associated with the Numerator. But when imported into Bonnie, it appears there is only one "OBSERV" value (for Expected and Actual results). See screenshot attached. Is this a known issue? 

        1. Bonnie.docx
          173 kB
          Michelle Lefebvre
        2. EXPECTED-VALUEs.docx
          49 kB
          Paul Denning
        3. MeasureObs.docx
          216 kB
          Michelle Lefebvre

            nicole_hunter Nicole Hunter
            MichLefebvre Michelle Lefebvre
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
