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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-574

"There was an error calculating measure CMSv0.


    • Meridith Eastman
    • AppropriateTreatmentforSTEMI
    • Can't resume measure testing in Bonnie.

      I am getting repeated error messages when attempted to update a measure in Bonnie. The message is as follows:


      "There was an error calculating measure CMSv0.

      One of the data elements associated with the measure is causing an issue. Please review the elements associated with the measure to verify that they are all constructed properly. Error message: Cannot read property 'Draft-FBBCAAB1-DC9E-4A95-B14F-4F5DEE7C6587' of undefined.


      If the problem continues, please report the issue on the Bonnie Issue Tracker"


      Note that the CQL for the measure in the MAT is validated with no errors, and I have authoring rights on VSAC for draft value sets.


      Thank you for a fast response!



            Unassigned Unassigned
            Meridith Meridith Eastman (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
