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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-563

Bonnie Enhancement Request: Results for Functions Executed


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      Not having results returned when testing functions renders testing definitions that contain functions (or functions with nested functions) difficult. Potential measure logic issues would not be easily isolated and identified. Without the certainty of the return value of a function, testing any definition that has function calls and with other nested definitions and logic components becomes very difficult.
      Not having results returned when testing functions renders testing definitions that contain functions (or functions with nested functions) difficult. Potential measure logic issues would not be easily isolated and identified. Without the certainty of the return value of a function, testing any definition that has function calls and with other nested definitions and logic components becomes very difficult.

      We would like to suggest an enhancement to the Bonnie system whereby result feedback is displayed for executed functions in a measure.  We would like to see the exact outcome of each component of measure logic so that we can pin point any potential issues easily. 

      With the CQL eCQM “building blocks” format, it would be very helpful to the measure developers and testers if Bonnie could provide the result feedback on  the lowest level of these “blocks”, which in current the eCQMs are the definitions and functions.   Currently Bonnie provides results for all the definitions, but not for the functions.   This renders testing definitions that contain functions (or functions with nested functions) difficult.  Potential measure logic issues would not be easily isolated and identified.   Without the certainty of the return value of a function, testing any definition that has function calls and with other nested definitions and logic components becomes very difficult.  

      Providing results for functions in Bonnie can be just like the results currently provided for definitions.  An example of the result of a function return value could be:

      • When return value is a Data element –
      • Encounter Performed, code, relevant period (start date time, end date time);
      • Encounter facilityLocations, code relevant period (start date time, end date time)
      • When return value is Calculated days, hours, minutes

                       -  N (a numeric value)

      • When return value is a start/end date time
      • DateTime
      • When return value is an Interval of date time
      • Interval [DateTime1, DateTime2)


      We understand a function can be called multiple times during the measure execution.   We still think to display the functions’ results is better than not providing any feedback.    

      Please see attached file for screenshot.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mparenzan@jointcommission.org Marilyn Parenzan (Inactive)
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