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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-498

When will bonnie-prior be accssible?


    • Issue not related to specific measure
    • Using Bonnie for creating our C1 sample patients for our certification this Thursday, October 18th. We're certifying 2018 version of eCQMs so we need to use Bonnie-Prior.

      The Bonnie site https://bonnie-prior.healthit.gov/ has been inaccessible since approximately 5PM EST Monday 10/15/2018, with the message “The Bonnie server is currently unavailable due to system maintenance.  Service will be restored shortly.”

      Is there any information on when the site will be available for use?  This is having a severe impact on our C1 Cypress Certification project which is due this week.

      I have searched the Bonnie Issue Tracker but do not see anything relevant.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            debbie.mobley@clinigence.com Debbie Mobley
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