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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-39

Why a case fails the measure when adding one more date entry after discharge


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Measure View
    • BONNIE
    • this needs more thought. I spoke with TJC at HIMSS and I think our response is not correct.

      We created several test cases for eVTE-3 v2014 April release and found that a case with a Medication Administered after IE will fail the measure even though all conditions of overlap therapy have been met.
      See two scenarios created in the BONNIE.
      Case #1 passes the numerator because all conditions of overlap therapy and INR have been met.
      Case #2 contains same conditions as case #1 and plus one more Parental administered after discharge. The case did not pass the numerator.
      Due to our clinical perspective and logic interpretation, we think case 2 should pass the measure too because the patient received all required treatments during Inpatient Encounter.
      We'd like to know why those cases fail in the BONNIE? It might be some other reason we are not aware of. Please let me know if you would like to see the case detail and we could share with you our BONNIE account or send you an excel file.

      Please advise,
      Yanyan Hu

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            yanyanhu Yanyan Hu
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