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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-324

Full testedmeasure showing 100% coverage on patient side but 95% coverage on measure side. Cannot resolve.


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Measure View
    • Treatment of Osteopenia or Osteoporosis in Men with Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer on androgen Deprivation Therapy
    • CM770v0
    • NUMER Timing
    • Unable to complete testing on a measure currently on the MUC list.

      We have a measure that appears to test properly at the patient level in the Numerator.

      The problem is at the Numerator. Each UNION has a timing element of ends before start of. It tests properly at the patient level, but does not turn "blue" at the measure level. All of the NUMER testing indicates the measure is working as intended.


      • AND :(status: true)
      o OR :(status: true)
       UNION OF:
       Medication, Active: Calcium And Vitamin D For Male Urology Care(status: true)

       UNION OF:
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Calcium, Total(status: true)
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy, Total(status: true)
       ends before start ofMedication, Active: Osteoporosis Medications For Urology Care(status: true)
      o OR :(status: true)
       UNION OF:
       Medication, Active: Calcium And Vitamin D For Male Urology Care(status: true)

       UNION OF:
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Calcium, Total(status: true)
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy, Total(status: true)
       ends before start of Medication, Order: Osteoporosis Medications For Urology Care
      As you see, the ends before start of turns green at the patient level.

      However, at the measure summary level, we get the following:
      AND :
      • OR :
      o UNION OF:
       Medication, Active: Calcium And Vitamin D For Male Urology Care(status: covered)

       UNION OF:
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Calcium, Total(status: covered)
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy, Total(status: covered)
       ends before start of Medication, Active: Osteoporosis Medications For Urology Care(status: covered)
      • OR :
      o UNION OF:
       Medication, Active: Calcium And Vitamin D For Male Urology Care(status: covered)

       UNION OF:
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Calcium, Total(status: covered)
       Laboratory Test, Performed: Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy, Total(status: covered)
       ends before start of Medication, Order: Osteoporosis Medications For Urology Care
      The ends before start of does not turn blue and our %coverage is 95%. This is the only part of the measure that does not appear to work.
      We are trying to express: The patient is actively on calcium and Vitamin D and had a Calcium and Vitamin D level completed prior to the start of osteoporosis medication.

        1. tohline-screenshot.png
          314 kB
          Chris Tohline

            lizziedy Lizzie Charbonneau
            colleenparker Colleen Parker (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
