Resolution: Unresolved
Malnutrition Care ScoreFHIR
QI-Core 6.0.0
If just display of return in highlighting then would be minor, but if CodeableConcept data element evaluation vs value sets is involved then would be moderate.
Analysis of CQLIT506 re CMS0986v4 issue on conversion to QiCore6. Test case 21 fails in MADiEQ6 but operates as expected in VScodeQ6. Replicated as TestCQLIT511NutrQ6 with DISPLAY ONLY logic implemented for data element visualization as TestCase21VScodeDISPLAYONLY vs OCCURPass4-ScreAtriRefAsseModDxCp-MADiE-LogicReturn3 reveals that ScreenId: MalnutritionRiskScreening.id returns the same ("ScreAtriRefAsseModDxCp-18") in both but ScreenCode: MalnutritionRiskScreening.code looks like a properly formatted CodeableConcept in VScode return but not so in MADiE. The abbreviated MADiE result may be just for display purposes, but if saved as such, this would explain why 'contains' and 'in' operators do not return a result.
Note that the MADiE image also returns "ScreAtriRefAsseModDxCp-19" since the 'contains' constraints had to be commented out so as to provide a return in MADiE.
Please add CQLIT511 reporter Michelle Ashafa as a watcher.
Thank you, PMuir MD eCQM Standards Team