Resolution: Deferred for Future Release
Not Applicable
NUMERFail PatientExpired
This is an EC Annual Update measure. We are unable to move this measure through the Annual Update process until we are able to move forward with validating the logic through testing.
MADiE 2.1.0
This could be something simple that we are missing in the logic or test cases. However, we are attempting to add patient expired exception logic to CMS2v14 draft and are unable to validate the logic in test cases.
I have added the logic definitions below and added them to the denominator exclusion logic. However, when we attempt to verify in the test cases, patients who are expired during the follow up period are never validated in the highlighting. At one point we simplified this logic to exclude patients who expired at any time during the measurement period and was still having the same problem. Is there something we should do differently?
define "Most Recent Adolescent Depression Screening Positive and Patient Expired During the Follow Up Period":
"Most Recent Adolescent Depression Screening" LastAdolescentScreen,
["Patient Characteristic Expired": "Dead (finding)"] Deceased,
"Qualifying Encounter During Measurement Period" QualifyingEncounter
where Global."NormalizeInterval" ( LastAdolescentScreen.relevantDatetime, LastAdolescentScreen.relevantPeriod ) 14 days or less on or before day of start of QualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod
and LastAdolescentScreen.result ~ "Depression screening positive (finding)"
and Deceased.expiredDatetime occurrs 2 days or less on or after day of end of QualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod
and Deceased.expiredDatetime occurrs during "Measurement Period"
define "Most Recent Adult Depression Screening Positive and Patient Expired During the Follow Up Period":
"Most Recent Adult Depression Screening" LastAdultScreen,
["Patient Characteristic Expired": "Dead (finding)"] Deceased,
"Qualifying Encounter During Measurement Period" QualifyingEncounter
where Global."NormalizeInterval" ( LastAdultScreen.relevantDatetime, LastAdultScreen.relevantPeriod ) 14 days or less on or before day of start of QualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod
and LastAdultScreen.result ~ "Depression screening positive (finding)"
and Deceased.expiredDatetime occurrs 2 days or less on or after day of end of QualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod
and Deceased.expiredDatetime occurrs during "Measurement Period"