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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-195

Export of deceased patient inconsistently in QRDA


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Test Case Export
    • None
    • OCM11
    • 140v5.0
    • Deceased_138 OCM_011_BC_Hormone

      (received email from Vandenbosch, Laura <Laura.Vandenbosch@RelayHealth.com>):


      I have created a deceased patient (using the deceased date at the top of the patient information section) and exported them. However, I do not see any data about the patient being deceased in the QRDA. I have searched in the QRDA for decease, deceased, death and the date of death that I entered.

      Is the deceased information exporting properly from Bonnie into all QRDAs?

      This happens to be an OCM11 patient. For an OCM8 patient I created, the deceased information is exporting into the QRDA.

      Thanks! Laura"

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            ctohline Chris Tohline (Inactive)
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