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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1894

QDM group stratifications cannot be associated


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Deferred for Future Release
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Other
    • None
    • MADiE
    • QDM
    • Stan Test CMS 159
    • 662682d80f0a9077c1d5b7c4
    • QI Core/CQL
    • MADiE 2.0.0
    • Yes

      A measure with Stratification and related descriptions is being able to get transferred to MADiE. In MADiE, the measure is at https://madie.cms.gov/measures/662682d80f0a9077c1d5b7c4/edit/details/. The measure is still in MAT as well.

      Each Stratification for the measure comes across. However, the descriptions for those Stratifications are not viewable in the UI.

      Technically, I can understand the reason for the "missing" Stratification descriptions, but the problem comes when I try to add the descriptions for each Stratification in the UI and save the changes. I receive an error from MADiE: QDM group stratifications cannot be associated.

      If I delete the group and recreate the group, including the Stratification, then I'm able to save the measure with no problems.

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            SRankins Stan Rankins
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
