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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1741

CMS844 CQL Library Editor Issue


    • MAT
    • MAT QDM
    • N/A
    • Core Clinical Data Elements for the Hybrid Hospital-Wide All-Condition All-Procedure Risk-Standardized Mortality Measure - HWM Draft v4.0.017 (QDM / CQL)
    • HybridHospitalWideMortality
    • QDM/CQL
    • Hide
      Unknown - the changes were able to be made and saved in Definition and as long as the error message isn't showing in CQL Library Editor then the MAT package can be exported and the changes that were made show in the HTML. The error message has not resolved though after multiple days, using different browsers, clearing caches, and rebooting computer.
      Unknown - the changes were able to be made and saved in Definition and as long as the error message isn't showing in CQL Library Editor then the MAT package can be exported and the changes that were made show in the HTML. The error message has not resolved though after multiple days, using different browsers, clearing caches, and rebooting computer.
    • Yes

      CMS844 CQL Library Editor shows that CQL is correct when initially clicked into and there are no errors boxes in logic.  When Save button is clicked - even without making any changes - an error message comes up stating that the CQL file could not be saved due to an identifiers issue.  There are still no error boxes in the logic.  I and my team members have reviewed all logic multiple times both in the CQL Library Editor and in Definitions and have not found a reason for this error message.  The logic is is very similar to CMS529 and that measure is not having this issue.  Please see attached screenshots.

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            kris.done Kristine Done
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
