
    • MADiE
    • QDM
    • NA
    • NA
    • QDM/CQL
    • DENOMPass/EGAGT37Wks and DENOMPass/CalcGAWillBeInvoked
    • Yes

      I have completed testing. Only one test failed:

      • Create a QDM test case in MADiE (see notes in attached Word document)

      We have the following enhancement requests: 

      • Create a new QDM measure:  
        • What if the measure calls more than one library.  It appears that only one library is allowed. 
        • The Endorsing Organization sole choice is NQF.  Should it be Consensus Based Entity?
        • Improvement Notation needs more flexibility to enter free text.  This is already being worked on.
        • When selecting supplemental data definitions, descriptions don’t come up for each SDE selected.  This is preferred.  Please align QICore with this approach.{}
      • Create a QDM test case:
        • In the GUI Test Case Builder, could the value sets be sorted in alphabetical order in the drop down list?
        • In GUI, when selecting Encounter Performed/attribute of diagnosis, it seems to require POA Indicator and Rank to be completed or it will not add the attribute.  Most measures do not require POA or rank so this should be rectified.
        • No matter what datatype is selected, Performed:Observation Services shows up.
        • Procedure datatype does not have an “add” option.  Must click “save”.


        1. Example of value sets not listed in alpha order.docx
          90 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan
        2. image-2023-12-13-14-00-48-574.png
          129 kB
          Heather Frideres
        3. image-2023-12-14-09-14-30-656.png
          28 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan
        4. MADiE QDM UAT - December 2023 TJC Parenzan.docx
          66 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan
        5. MADiE QDM UAT - November 2023 TJC Parenzan.docx
          146 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            mparenzan@jointcommission.org Marilyn Parenzan (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
