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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1613

Creating ticket as per discussion on FHIR CQM call Sept 19 re Coverage.


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Deferred for Future Release
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None

      Relating back to BonnieMAT 1571 and 1578 regarding coverage highlighting and calculation which were transitioned to a Tacoma ticket and update will be released tomorrow.  It was noted that Measure Developers will need to create a test case to exercise the "SDE Sex" else null expression.  As I recall from earlier in the summer, MADIE HAPI validation generated an error message which prevented running the test case.  Rechecking today with 'other' and 'unknown' generated a warning but not an error.  'Other' and 'Unknown' will generate a validation error.

      I have attached a couple json test cases and screenshots to illustrate.
      Note that the highlighting of the else null clause does not occur, but the update has not yet been released (9/27).  I can recheck post release and update this ticket.

      Hope this helps,
      Thank you.  PMuir MD   eCQM Standards Team

        1. AdministrativeGender(other,unknown).png
          48 kB
          Peter Muir
        2. CQLIT394-CMS1157-Coverage91issues.png
          92 kB
          Peter Muir
        3. NUMERPass-genderOther.json
          12 kB
          Peter Muir
        4. NUMERPass-genderOther.png
          153 kB
          Peter Muir
        5. NUMERPass-genderUnknown.json
          12 kB
          Peter Muir
        6. NUMERPass-genderUnknown.png
          171 kB
          Peter Muir
        7. TestPJMCQLIT985STEMI-NUMERPass-genderOther.png
          48 kB
          Peter Muir
        8. TestPJMCQLIT985STEMI-NUMERPass-genderUnknown.png
          48 kB
          Peter Muir
        9. TestPJMCQLIT985STEMI-NUMERPass-overall.png
          45 kB
          Peter Muir

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            pjmuirESAC Peter Muir
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            6 Start watching this issue
