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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1584

Test Case Appears to be Passing on Test Case home page but when open test case contains errors


    • MADiE
    • FHIR R4
    • Severe Obstetric Complications
    • CMS1028
    • FHIR R4/CQL
    • RiskPass RiskAutoImmuneDisease; RiskPass Risk_ObstetricalVTE
    • Hide
      MPR has requested test case exports by end of day today (8/21/23) following removal of underscores from test case names. I have left one test case with the error described above so that you can troubleshoot. I will need to fix the test case this afternoon so that I can comply with MPR's deadline. So thank you in advance for your quick attention to this ticket.
      MPR has requested test case exports by end of day today (8/21/23) following removal of underscores from test case names. I have left one test case with the error described above so that you can troubleshoot. I will need to fix the test case this afternoon so that I can comply with MPR's deadline. So thank you in advance for your quick attention to this ticket.
    • MADiE 1.1.12
    • Yes

      When running all test cases from the homepage 100% passing (see A_100PercentTestCasePassing).  We were told to go in an remove all underscore from test case name.  In doing so, when I opened some test cases red validation errors appeared.  Madie giving the following error:  Error: Relative URLs must be of the format [ResourceName]/[id]. Encountered AutoImmuneDisease-81e0.  

      Madie now requiring "Condition" in front of reference ID.  This did not cause errors in previous version of Madie.  (See B_ErrorsInConditionReference)

      I am able to fix these errors but wanted to bring to your attention the fact that the homepage shows 100% passing even though there are errors when test case is opened.




        1. B_ErrorsInConditionReference.png
          43 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan
        2. A_100PercentTestCasePassing.png
          123 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan

            cbartleman@telligen.com Chandra Bartleman
            mparenzan@jointcommission.org Marilyn Parenzan (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
