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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1394

MADiE not calculating/pulling edge date


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • MADiE
    • QI Core
    • Oncology: Medical and Radiation - Pain Intensity QuantifiedFHIR
    • MADiE 1.1.3
    • Yes

      MADiE not calculating/pulling edge date (i.e., end of measurement period – 12/31/2012). 

      I expect the attached test case to pass IP/Denom because chemo 'Procedures' on 12/6/12 and 12/31/2012 met the encounter-chemo timing requirements. Encounter date: 12/6/2012. Upon testing it in MADiE, the attached test case did not pass IP/Denom. However, when I changed the Procedure date from 12/31/2012 to 12/30/2012, the test case passed IP/Denom.

      Here's the screenshot of the logic: 



            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            yvapura Yvette Apura
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
