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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1340

Bonnie value set profile/release version


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Referred to External Party for Resolution
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • None
    • BONNIE
    • Bonnie QDM
    • QDM/CQL
    • Yes

      Hello Bonnie team,

      Could you please clarify which of these profile/release versions correspond to the most recent published value set definition version in VSAC?

      • Profile: Most Recent Code System Versions in VSAC
      • Profile: Latest eCQM <eCQM Update 2023-05-04>
      • Profile: eCQM Update 2022-05-05
      • Release: eCQM Update 2023-05-04
      • Release: eCQM Update 2022-05-05

      Thank you in advance!

        1. 2023-01-25_18-03-22.png
          67 kB
          Dorothy Lee
        2. 2023-01-25_18-12-42.png
          79 kB
          Dorothy Lee

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            dlee38 Dorothy Lee
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
