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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1254

"On" Logic Not Being Recognized in Bonnie


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Test Case Builder
    • None
    • BONNIE
    • Bonnie FHIR
    • hmdmtjc
    • Cesarean BirthFHIR
    • CMS334
    • FHIR/CQL
    • DENEXPass AssessPerfAbnPresRelDtTimeEQTimeOfDeliv
    • Can't get Bonnie test case to pass when it should.

      See logic below.

      Test case with abnormal presentation effective date/time ON the delivery date/time will not pass in Bonnie FHIR.  Same test case passes in Bonnie Prior.

        1. image-2022-10-21-12-25-17-007.png
          19 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan
        2. image-2022-10-21-12-24-52-808.png
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          Marilyn Parenzan
        3. image-2022-10-21-12-17-52-631.png
          19 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan
        4. image-2022-10-17-17-02-40-362.png
          21 kB
          Marilyn Parenzan

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            mparenzan@jointcommission.org Marilyn Parenzan (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
