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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1182

Could not retrieve codesystem specified in another library


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • CQL Editor
    • None
    • MAT
    • MAT FHIR
    • AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusionECQMFHIR4, HospiceFHIR, PalliativeCareExclusionFHIR
    • FHIR/CQL
    • This impacts eCQM Measure Developers who need to use these libraries to develop their measures in MAT on FHIR.

      Hi MAT on FHIR team,

      We are trying to copy and paste the content of the following FHIR libraries into MAT. All of these libraries retrieve code systems specified in another library, e.g., FHIRCommon."SNOMEDCT", but MAT does not recognize this type of logic and prompts an error message "Could not find code system named FHIRCommon."SNOMEDCT". Please advise, thank you!

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            dlee38 Dorothy Lee
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
