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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1021

Guidance on function for CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter now that Global."ToDate" is gone.


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Referred to External Party for Resolution
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    • Measure Calculation
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    • BONNIE
    • Bonnie QDM
    • hmdmtjc
    • Antithrombotic Therapy By End of Hospital Day 2
    • CMS72
    • QDM/CQL
    • DENEXCEPPass MedAdmMedReason_eq1dayduringEncIP DENEXCEPFail INR2DaysAftEnc_NoEDNoObsBFEnc2DayAft
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      This affects the TJCOverall library function CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter, that is used by STK-5 and VTE-1 and 2. It will need to be resolved in order to meet the goal of providing round 1 packages by earliest October 25th and latest November 12th.

      *Update: A similar problem also affects the logic in STK-6 because it formerly used Global."ToDate" and needs logic that will perform similarly. The attached document was updated to include the case that failed and the question of how best to implement that change. STK-6 was also added to this ticket just now.

      Thank you for all of your help.
      This affects the TJCOverall library function CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter, that is used by STK-5 and VTE-1 and 2. It will need to be resolved in order to meet the goal of providing round 1 packages by earliest October 25th and latest November 12th. *Update: A similar problem also affects the logic in STK-6 because it formerly used Global."ToDate" and needs logic that will perform similarly. The attached document was updated to include the case that failed and the question of how best to implement that change. STK-6 was also added to this ticket just now. Thank you for all of your help.

      Measure: Antithrombotic Therapy By End of Hospital Day 2
      Account: hmdmtjc
      Test cases:
      DENEXCEPPass MedAdmMedReason_eq1dayduringEncIP
      DENEXCEPFail INR2DaysAftEnc_NoEDNoObsBFEnc2DayAft

      We are changing our function, TJC."CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter" to no longer use Global."ToDate" (because it was retired for 2022AU).
      Here is what we had before:

      TJC.CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter(StartValue DateTime)
      Interval[Global."ToDate" ( StartValue ), Global."ToDate" ( StartValue + 2 days ) )
      Global.ToDate(Value DateTime)
      DateTime(year from Value, month from Value, day from Value, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezoneoffset from Value)

      We have tried the following replacements for Global."ToDate" and it makes many of our test cases angry.
      1. define function "CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter" ( StartValue DateTime ):
      Interval[date from ( StartValue ), date from ( Start Value + 1 day) ]
      breaks 21 test cases including DENEXCEPPass MedAdmMedReason_eq1dayduringEncIP
      2. define function "CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter" ( StartValue DateTime ):
      Interval[date from ( StartValue ), date from ( Start Value + 2 days) )
      breaks 7 test cases including DENEXCEPFail INR2DaysAftEnc_NoEDNoObsBFEnc2DayAft

      Global."ToDate" explicitly zeroed the time field. We tried re-entering the test case date and time in the hopes of clearing seconds and milliseconds, in case that was the problem.

      Please see attached for the comparison of the behavior of these two test cases for Bonnie Prior and this 2022 AU change. Any advice and guidance would be appreciated.

        1. Problem with CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter.docx
          390 kB
          Julia Dawson
        2. Problem with CalendarDayOfOrDayAfter-1.docx
          478 kB
          Julia Dawson

            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            jdawson@jointcommission.org Julia Dawson
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            3 Start watching this issue
