
    • Icon: EH/CAH EH/CAH
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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      There is no solution for CMS1218v1, which is a hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting candidate measure proposed for inclusion in the 2026 reporting period. Implementers should follow the measure logic, as specified, for CMS1218v1.

      Because this is a program candidate measure, there are no anticipated reporting impacts because the measure is not yet required for reporting.
      There is no solution for CMS1218v1, which is a hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting candidate measure proposed for inclusion in the 2026 reporting period. Implementers should follow the measure logic, as specified, for CMS1218v1. Because this is a program candidate measure, there are no anticipated reporting impacts because the measure is not yet required for reporting.
    • 2026

      eCQM Impacted – CMS1218v1 Hospital Harm – Postoperative Respiratory Failure 

      Issue – The measure logic specifies incorrect measure units for arterial blood pH for the denominator exclusion definition "Encounter with PaCO2 Greater Than 50 and Arterial pH Less Than 7.30 Within 48 Hours Prior to Start of First OR Procedure." 

      The current measure logic looks for a blood pH result with mm Hg units, but the correct units are pH. This error leads to patients not meeting this denominator exclusion definition. 

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            aweber Mathematica EH eCQM Team
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