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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-690

Cypress Alpha patients for CMS 188 missing RouteCodes


    • Referred to CQM team
    • Value Sets

      Patients in the Cypress Alpha for the PN-6 measure (CMS-188) all have an expected measure status of at least Denominator. However, to make the denominator, a patient must have a Medication, Administered: IV, IM, PO Antimicrobial Medications (route: Substance or Medication Administration Route IV, oral or IM.

      All of the attached patients are from the Alpha test deck for that measure, and have a medication administered from that valueset, but have no route code indicating the proper attribute. As such, timing checks for the denominator will fail, and no patient can be evaluated to hit the right measure status.

            ssayer Samuel Sayer (Inactive)
            apfundhe Austin Pfundheller (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
