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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-453

EP CQM CMS169v2 - ERROR Cypress data (Cypress Version 2.4.1)


    • Implementation Problem

      I think there is a problem in denominator logic or cypress data.
      In the logic of denominator, we have:

      OR: "Procedure, Performed: BH Electroconvulsive therapy"
      OR: "Procedure, Order: BH Electroconvulsive therapy"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Medication, Order: BH Antidepressant medication"
      OR: "Medication, Order: BH Mood stabilizer medication"
      OR: "Procedure, Performed: BH Counseling for depression"
      OR: "Procedure, Order: BH Counseling for depression"
      OR: "Encounter, Order: BH Outpatient psychotherapy"
      OR: "Encounter, Performed: BH Outpatient psychotherapy"
      <= 42 day(s) starts after start of "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: BH Outpatient encounter"

      With this logic, I apply the comparison:
      EncounterA(Start) < StartDate(each of category above) <= EncounterA(Start) + 42(days)

      There are 3 patients in the result from Cypress: Hector Norton, Derrick Hill, Jose Jimenez

      However the result I have is only 1 patient(Hector Norton)

      After checking again, I see that the two patients Derrick Hill & Jose Jimenez have start date of medication is on the same as start date of encounter

      This means: EncounterA(StartDate) = Medication(StartDate) => "=" not "<"

      Is this a problem in cypress data ?

      Please give me advice

      (See attached files for clear reason)


        1. Jose Jimenez.jpg
          Jose Jimenez.jpg
          167 kB
        2. Error CMS169v2.rar
          727 kB
        3. Derrick Hill,jpg.jpg
          Derrick Hill,jpg.jpg
          167 kB
        4. Denominator Logic.jpg
          Denominator Logic.jpg
          363 kB
        5. Cypress Result.jpg
          Cypress Result.jpg
          134 kB

            jcolbert312 Jean Colbert (Inactive)
            kiet.tran kiettran (Inactive)
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            2 Start watching this issue
