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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-424

NQF 0496 / CQM-1129 Observation values do not match


    • Internal General Feedback Logic affecting more than 1 eCQM

      The Observation values calculated during generation of the CAT-3 report do not match the expected values from Cypress. The values for RS1, Unstratified, and RS4 are off.

      The calculated values look correct to me. I have also manually checked each of the 6 patient QRDA files downloaded from Cypress, and confirmed our program calculations.

      I need to speak to someone about this; these are the only errors in out Cat-1 and Cat-3 submittals.

      Additional information can be provided, or I can direct support personnel to the test case on the Cypress demo web site.

      Some help on this would be greatly appreciated.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            matthew.tiller Matthew Tiller
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