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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-2584

Relevant Period for Medications not matching data provided


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • CMS0156v11
    • v 7.2.0
    • Question

      We had a patient similar to the one in Cypress-2582 that caused confusion, and an initial thought that the refills should be 2.  

      Our patient was Ashley Matthews, Template 14 2 GP Geriatric.  There are 2 medication orders but the one causing confusion is the one with refills listed.  In this entry we see:

      <!-- QDM Attribute: Relevant Period -->
                        <effectiveTime xsi:type="IVL_TS"><low value='20220310083000'/><high value='20220608083000'/></effectiveTime>
                      <!--  QDM Attribute: Frequency -->
                      <effectiveTime xsi:type='PIVL_TS' operator='A'><period value='24' unit='h'/></effectiveTime>
                      <!--  QDM Attribute: Refills -->
                      <repeatNumber value="2"/>
                        <!--  QDM Attribute: Dosage -->
                        <doseQuantity value="1.0" />

      and under Supply:

      <effectiveTime xsi:type='IVL_TS'><low value='20220310083000'/><high value='20220608083000'/></effectiveTime>
                              <quantity value="30.0"/>

      The relevant period is 90 days making it appear that the patient would have received 30 (once a day) with 2 refills. 

      With the expected outcome of IPP, Denom and NOT Numerator, I assume I should ignore the relevant period and use the quantity from supply, frequency, dose and refill of 1 to calculate days supplied of 60 which added to the other order of 30 will result in 90, not above 90.

      I will point out that the "logic Highlighting" in cypress UI causes further confusion in this patient by appearing to say the patient "meets the logic for the definitions "Two High Risk Medications with Prolonged Duration" but not the definition itself in the attached snippet.

        1. Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 10.08.37 AM.png
          88 kB
          David Czulada
        2. 2_Ashley_Matthews.xml
          19 kB
          Shari Ann Cummins
        3. AshleyMatthews CypressUI.png
          154 kB
          Shari Ann Cummins

            dczulada David Czulada
            shari.cummins@healthcatalyst.com Shari Ann Cummins
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