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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-2516

Cypress coverage test issues


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • 7.0.5

      In our testing using the Cypress coverage test we are seeing a few issues. 
      1. It appears that the dates on our patient data is being set back 2 years from what was conditioned. Attached example shows QRDA file DOB 19570714000000 but the Cypress patient information shows DOB 1955-07-15T00:00:00+00:00

      2. It appears the QDM Relevant Periods are not accurate. Attached example shows Encounter low value 20230314000000; high value 20230314001500 and the Cypress time elements show: Relevant Period Start: 2021-03-14T00:00:00.000Z Relevant Period End: 2021-03-14T00:15:00.000Z

      3. We are unable to view the patient analysis after running the coverage analysis to see the information.
      Can you please provider information on how to view the results and why it appears the dates are being set back 2 years?

            dczulada David Czulada
            chrystal.vidrine Chrystal Vidrine (Inactive)
            Chrystal Vidrine (Inactive)
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