

      This is in relation to the calculation of age in the measure CMS249. Although we understand that Date of Birth changes from 12 AM and since in CQL its mentioned specifically as datetime. So could you please let us know if we need to check time along with date for calculating the age. Please find the below example for your reference:

      Patient with characteristics: 

      Gender: female, and DOB: 1972-01-01 15:30:00

      As per CQL IPP Criteria is :
      Initial Population
      exists ["Patient Characteristic Birthdate": "Birth date"] BirthDate
      where Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt" ( BirthDate.birthDatetime, start of "Measurement Period" ) in Interval[50, 64 )
      and exists ( ["Patient Characteristic Sex": "Female"] )
      and exists "Qualifying Encounter"

      When we consider date time from DOB then patients age comes below 50 yr
      and if considered date only then patient's age is 50 yr.

      Could you please let us know the expected result here.

      Thanks & Regards,

            dczulada David Czulada
            DGulati Devanshi Gulati
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