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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-235

The expected initial population counts are not correct and need to be changed from 5.0 to 3.0.


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      The population counts in Cypress are correct. CMS32v1/NQF0496 is an episode of care based measure where qualifying encounters are counted not the number of patients. In such measure a single patient record can have multiple qualifying encounters as is the case with the Cypress test records. A list of which measures are episode of care based vs population based can be found in the CQM logic guidance document. http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/2014_eCQM_LogicGuidance_June2013.pdf
      The population counts in Cypress are correct. CMS32v1/NQF0496 is an episode of care based measure where qualifying encounters are counted not the number of patients. In such measure a single patient record can have multiple qualifying encounters as is the case with the Cypress test records. A list of which measures are episode of care based vs population based can be found in the CQM logic guidance document. http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/2014_eCQM_LogicGuidance_June2013.pdf
    • Logic affecting more than 1 eCQM

      After running our QRDA3 file through the Cypress Validator version 2.3.0 with Quality Bundle 2.3.0 we are getting three errors related to Measure 0496 - Unstratified, RS1: With ED Encounter, and RS4: Without Mental Disorders and Acute care hospital transfer. The expected initial population count is 5.0 when it should be 3.0. Our files are showing the correct count of 3.0. Please see the attached screen shots for details on the issue.

            renee.rookwood Renee Rookwood (Inactive)
            Rey.Escanio Rey Michael Escanio (Inactive)
            Kelly Keefe (Inactive), Rey Michael Escanio (Inactive)
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