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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1866

Unpredictable Validation Results when uploading exported QRDA-I documents


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • 4.0.4
    • Question

      When validating our exported QRDA-I documents it will sometimes report errors on one or two of the files indicating that the calulated IPP and/or DENOM do not match the expected value (see included screenshot). However, I can re-upload the zip file and run the validation again.  Sometimes it will pass, sometimes it will identify a different one or two files with errors.  I must emphasize that it is the exact same zip that is being uploaded.  I feel that there must be some error because I can upload the "Known Good Results" that we downloaded from Cypress and it passes every time.  This is frustrating because we cannot narrow the issue down to any specific file and the QRDA-I each pass conformance validation using the validation utility.  I have uploaded both our exported documents and the good reference documents in case that helps.

      I just wanted to add an update, just a few minutes ago I had the same issue appear when uploading the "Known Good Results".  So it is not strictly an issue with our exported data.  It is randomly reporting these calculation errors even when using known valid QRDA-I documents.

        1. Cypress_VM_Specs.png
          29 kB
          Nate Carriker
        2. Exported_QRDA_I_Errors.JPG
          50 kB
          Nate Carriker

            dczulada David Czulada
            carriker Nate Carriker (Inactive)
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            2 Start watching this issue
