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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1817

Patient got calculcated in Denominator Exception which should not be


    • CMS52v8/NQF160
    • 5.0.1

      Part 2 of CMS52V8

      In CMS52V8, I got one patient calculcated in Denominator Exception which should not be.

      Patient Name: Diane Bowman

      According to Denominator Exception Condition,

      exists ( ( ["Laboratory Test, Performed": "CD4+ Count"] FirstCD4Count
       with ["Laboratory Test, Performed": "CD4+ Count"] SecondCD4Count
       such that SecondCD4Count.authorDatetime occurs 3 months or less after day of FirstCD4Count.authorDatetime
       and SecondCD4Count.result >= 500 '/mm3'
       union ( ["Laboratory Test, Performed": "CD4+ Percentage"] FirstCD4Percent
       with ["Laboratory Test, Performed": "CD4+ Percentage"] SecondCD4Percent
       such that SecondCD4Percent.authorDatetime occurs 3 months or less after FirstCD4Percent.authorDatetime
       and SecondCD4Percent.result >= 15 '%'


      This patient have data according to given condition but according to Cypress data, patient should not get counted in Denominator Exception.


      The only different I see here is with Author Date. In 1st Lab test of CD4+, there is Author Datetime available. In 2nd Lab test of CD4+ which occur in 3 months of time period don't have Author Datetime.


      Now, I assume, in this case, I need to consider RelavantPeriod for Lab Test calculation. If I go with that logic, Patient will get counted but according to Cypress, it is wrong. 


      Need further details on this.

      Thanks in Advance.

        1. 9-28-2019 1-51-43 PM.jpg
          134 kB
          Aanal Patel

            dczulada David Czulada
            analpate20081 Aanal Patel (Inactive)
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