Resolution: Resolved
Hello Team,
I am uploading QRDAIII file(attached) on QPP conversion tool and I am getting below error(attached).
CT - The measure GUID supplied 40280382-5abd-fa46-015b-49af257b38bf is invalid. Please see the 2018 IG https://ecqi.healthit.gov/system/files/2018_CMS_QRDA_III_Eligible_Clinicians_and_EP_IG_v2_508.pdf#page=94 for valid measure GUIDs. - /[local-name() = 'ClinicalDocument' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:hl7-org:v3']/[local-name() = 'component' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:hl7-org:v3']/[local-name() = 'structuredBody' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:hl7-org:v3']/[local-name() = 'component' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:hl7-org:v3']/[local-name() = 'section' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:hl7-org:v3']/[local-name() = 'entry' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:hl7-org:v3'][5]/*[local-name() = 'organizer' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:hl7-org:v3']
This GUID is of CMS166 but still it gives error while submission.
Thanks in Advance,
Namrata Singh