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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1516

For C2 criteria, after uploading QRDA Cat III, we get "Error encountered" message. We are also unable to check patient details for further analysis


    • Icon: Bug/Issue Bug/Issue
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker

      We are using Cypress 3.2.3 for 2015 Edition ONC certification for 2018 measurement period measures. For c2, to ensure Cypress is working, we tried to import a Cypress validated QRDA CAT III file. When we upload the file, we get an Exception. Ideally, given that the file is following the right schema, it should've "Failed" the test. Uploaded the log file containing the exception.


      To understand the calculations, we tried the 2 options - 

      1. View Patients - When we click on it, we get a blank page. We are only able to download patient in HTML format
      2. Get Known Good Result -When we click on this link, we get 500 and the following exception. 

      Mongo::Error::OperationFailure (ReferenceError: map_reduce_utils is not defined :
      _funcs1@:14:1 (139)):
      {{ lib/cypress/cat_3_calculator.rb:86:in `block in generate_cat3'}}
      {{ lib/cypress/cat_3_calculator.rb:84:in `generate_cat3'}}
      {{ app/models/c2_task.rb:40:in `good_results'}}
      {{ app/controllers/tasks_controller.rb:40:in `good_results'}}
      {{ app/controllers/application_controller.rb:141:in `catch_not_found'}}


      We would be unable to verify the measure computation if it is unable to give us insights.

        1. 21_Tim_Stokes.xml
          18 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        2. Cypress-2.3.2-Import CAT III.log
          15 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        3. Cypress-3.2.3-Product-Details.png
          267 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        4. image-2018-10-31-22-17-36-024.png
          42 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        5. image-2018-11-01-01-38-56-467.png
          42 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        6. image-2018-11-01-01-38-56-509.png
          42 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        7. image-2018-11-01-01-38-56-679.png
          42 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        8. image-2018-11-01-01-38-56-783.png
          42 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        9. Jira-QRDA CAT III.PNG
          65 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar
        10. Jira-View Patient.PNG
          27 kB
          Nupur Ghatnekar

            laurend Lauren DiCristofaro (Inactive)
            nupurghatnekar Nupur Ghatnekar (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
